

''The sound of the Saints''

Following a geographical journey and musical diplomacy, the Greek composer Savvas Karantzias travels with the concert ‘The sound of the Saints’ in four continents stopping in important cultural sites after its first presentation in Rhodes, his birthplace.
Savvas Karantzias wanted to capture the genius of Theophanes the Greek (14th century) through music, in a way that characterizes “sound journey”, as it offers a dynamic and powerful experience. Theophanes the Greek is the founder of Russian Iconography and Savvas Karantzias focuses on the four stations (four musical interludes) of the iconographer, from his birth in Constantinople to his journey to the Crimea and the land of the Ros, from Novgorod and in Moscow, the last destination.
The story of the Russian iconographer and saint Andrei Rublev (14th century) is also approached with humanism and mysticism. A musical work of reflection on art and the intellectual mission of the artist. In this way, the composer shows how humanity needs a great change, the chaos we live in today between material progress and the absence of spirituality. The “wandering” of a monk with the interior of the world and the need for purification and repentance, become an example for all of us.